Dealer License Kit
Now More Ways To Make Money
Proven helping people since 1998
Q: How much money do I need to get started?
Q: Will this System work where I live?
Q: Can I really make a 6-figure income?
Q: Do I need to be a salesman?
Q: Do I need big expensive offices and equipment?
See more Questions & answers here
System Example
Jaguar S-Type Loaded with Sunroof, CD Changer, and integrated Phone System at 23,000 miles.
Using Dealership System
Typical cost through the DEALER
Not very smart buying through a dealership. The cost is higher and the savings are ZERO!
Dealer Prep (A rip)
Sales tax
Total = $38,792.00
Total Savings: $ 0
Using OUR System
Typical cost through this SYSTEM
Using our buy direct concept: $27,700.00! No dealer prep, No sales tax, and no tag registration! That’s a grand total of $27,700.00!
Dealer Prep (A rip)
Sales tax
Total= $27,700.00
Total Savings: $11,092.00
I could go on forever! It doesn’t matter what type of used car or truck you are buying.
This type of savings is common when using our concept!
More Examples:
Acura Legend L Coupe
Black/tan leather and fully-loaded. I bought it for only $7,400.00 (an absolute steal) and then sold it wholesale for $15,300.00. YES! that’s right… I DOUBLED MY MONEY! Sounds CRAZY but it can happen using our SYSTEM. How About This!
Chrysler Sebring Convertible JX1
Nice, Nice, Nice! Loaded!
Leather, All Power, 20,000 miles. I paid only $12,900.00 for it? Retails for $18,000.00. Could be a $5,000 plus Profit Here!
Jeep Cherokee Laredo Nice Red Truck, loaded with equipment. Can you believe I only paid $11,100.00 for this vehicle? I then sold it wholesale for $13,122.00 within a matter of days, for a gross profit over $2,000.00.
You can make $$$ money on lower cost buy direct cars too – Here are some current examples using actual figures!
See the Profit Below:
Are you beginning to get the picture? Are you getting excited yet?
These are but a few examples of the money that can be saved or made using buy and sell car systems.
Make |
Bought |
Sold |
Profit |
Chrysler Sebring 2 door | $3000.00 | $5400.00 | 80% |
Ford Windstar Van | $2805.00 | $5900.00 | 110% |
Dodge Caravan | $1700.00 | $3900.00 | 130% |
Dodge Neon | $2400.00 | $4900.00 | 105% |
Dodge Dakota | $2300.00 | $5900.00 | 155% |
Ford Contour | $2400.00 | $5600.00 | 133% |
Dodge Intrepid | $2900.00 | $5900.00 | 105% |